28 - 2014, HKG $10,AM11888/ 118881, 2 pcs of fancy S/N,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2014, HKG $10,AM11888/ 118881, 2 pcs of fancy S/N,UNC 2014, 香港政府 $10,AM11888/ 118881,
Bidding Has ConcludedSign-In To View Winning Bid
34 - 2014, HKG $10, ZT77717/ 777171, 2 pcs of fancy S/N,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2014, 香港政府 $10, ZT77717/ 777171, 趣味號2 張,UNC 2014, HKG $10,
Bidding Has ConcludedSign-In To View Winning Bid
35 - 2014, HKG $10, CJ031031, CL009386, 2 pcs of fancy S/N,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2014, 香港政府 $10, CJ031031, CL009386, 趣味號2 張S/N,UNC 2014, HK
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 5.00
36 - 2002, HKG $10, CL004004, Repeater S/N,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2002, 香港政府 $10, CL004004, 重覆號 ,UNC 2002, HKG $10, CL004004, Repeat
Bidding Has ConcludedSign-In To View Winning Bid
37 - 1993, SCB $10, AN 644446, Radar S/N, UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
1993, 渣打銀行 $10, AN 644446, 雷達號, UNC 1993, SCB $10, AN 644446, Radar
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 14.00
40 - 2016, HSBC $100, VK722222, 5 of A Kind,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2016, 匯豐銀行 $100, VK722222, 五條號,UNC 2016, HSBC $100, VK722222, 5 of A
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 20.00
41 - 2016, HSBC $100, WC522222, 5 of A Kind,UNCFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
2016, 匯豐銀行 $100, WC522222, 五條號,UNC 2016, HSBC $100, WC522222, 5 of A
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 24.00
46 - 1959H, HKG, 10cents, PCGS Genuine, Envinmental Damage UNC DetailFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
1959H, 香港政府, 10cents, PCGS Genuine, Envinmental Damage UNC Detail 1959H, HKG, 10cents, PCGS Genuin
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 26.00
47 - 1986, HKG, $2, PCGS Genuine, Envinmental Damage UNC DetailFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
1986, 香港政府, $2, PCGS Genuine, Envinmental Damage UNC Detail 1986, HKG, $2, PCGS Genuine, Envinment
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 26.00
51 - 1951, HKG, 50cents, Key Date, PCGS, AU 55Frontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
1951, 香港政府, 50cents, 唯一年份, PCGS, AU 55 1951, HKG, 50cents,
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 46.00
52 - 1971- H, HKG, $1, PCGS Genuine, Wrap-machine dmg-UNC DetailFrontier Collectibles Trading Company Limited
1971- H, 香港政府, $1, PCGS Genuine, Wrap-machine dmg-UNC Detail 1971- H, HKG, $1, PCGS Genuine, Wrap-
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 26.00